This Friday, Ballard's charity club Move Maroon hosted their yearly corn-hole tournament. Move Maroon, once known as Dance Maroon, is a pediatric cancer research charity club that raises money for children...
Currently, the United States has been known for guns and weapons being in school. Recently, Ballard has been victimized for being a known threat to JCPS. Monday (9/16/24), we had a gun threat to our school...
Mpox, also known as monkeypox, is an infection based virus that originates from central and west Africa. The first case of monkeypox was in 1970 in the Dominican Republic of Congo. It is a zoonotic disease,...
In the past year, nearly 14,000 students lost transportation services for the current school year. After the cuts made last year, there are currently 526 bus routes. District leaders point to the success...
At Ballard, suicide prevention is a very important topic for students. Ballard provides some great resources for anyone struggling. The staff are here to listen to the students voices and really understand...
A significant number of students at Ballard work a part time job, picking up shifts either after school or on weekends. While it can be difficult to balance school and work, working as a high school student...
Following concerns over the racial equity of JCPS' decision to cut transportation to magnet schools, a civil rights lawsuit was filed against JCPS in late June. However, as fears that this would disrupt the first day of school mounted, the lawsuit has been put on pause for two months.
Ballard Between the Lines is set for a phenomenal year in journalism! As an editorial board, we are optimistic about what’s to come and have ambitious plans for the direction of the paper. We hope to...