1. Actually Watch the Game – It shows that you actually want to support our school sports and want the players to succeed.
2. Hype the Players Up – Maybe students could start making signs for the players to show support. Cheering for them as their playing or if they make a touch to let them know we actually care about the game.
3. Keep Cheering – Even if we’re losing hype the players up because that is going to make them play harder. Players are excited to see people come out and watch them play, so by cheering and staying engaged we can win and play better.
4. Including Everyone in the Student Section – Letting people of all races, genders, and sexualities is being inclusive and helps people actually come and watch the games and be supportive of the team.
5. No Smoking/Drinking – Drinking and smoking is not okay at the games because it’s harmful to you and others around you.