JCPS has implemented a new curriculum called expeditionary learning. This new curriculum focuses on building strong systems for math and english instructions which is supposed to result in student engagement. The district is working on humanizing core classes so students, who might have trouble listening and paying attention, can understand the curriculum better. The new curriculum is supposed to “Help make an environment where kids can be seen as mathematics at any level.” Casey Watson.
Another thing this curriculum is inducing is the presence of parental involvement outside the classroom. Parents are doing things like english flashcards in the car, which shows the children initiative. Parents showing the student this initiative to learn helps them realize how important it is. The most important thing about this curriculum change is every school chose their own curriculum before thing. Now, all schools in JCPS use the same curriculum so no matter if you switch a school in JCPS, you will be able to stay on track with your learning.
The curriculum includes phonetics and comprehension. Phonemic Curriculum is where children learn the sounds of a letter by associating it with a word that starts with the same sound the letter uses. For example, A is for Apple, B is for Boy. Phonemic lesions require very little prep time, and can be engaging for students to learn. Comprehension Curriculum is where you outline educated content for a specific course of study. This helps students reach their learning goals and helps them become more engaged with school. Although the curriculum has good effects, some students and teachers have seen a decrease in student engagement, and in ELA some teachers have stopped teaching the curriculum altogether as a way to show dislike in the curriculum.
Overall, the new JCPS curriculum has had a positive impact on organizing the way students learn, but some opinions have shown negative outcomes from students and teachers.