Since March, all over Kentucky, Ku Klux Klan flyers have been posted with frightening threats. One flyer warned of “race traitors, mixed breeds, communists, homosexuals, and all other godless degenary” and that the “Klan is back.” Another referred to multicultural people as “mongrols” and listed Bible quotes to push against the LGBTQ community.
In Corbin, Kentucky, two alleged Klansmen were handing out KKK recruitment cards when they crossed paths with an LGBTQ rally. The group was protesting anti-transgender laws when the pair of Klansmen began shouting hateful comments at the crowd, one whom held up a gun. Kentucky’s Republican attorney general Daniel Cameron has yet to comment publicly on the flyers. In Lexington, it was reported that KKK flyers were distributed, advertising themselves as the neighborhood watch and encouraging people to report crime and drug dealers to the KKK. The Lexington NAACP President Whit Whitaker expressed concerns that the Klan intended these reports to target Black people. Similar flyers were distributed in Frankfort, Kentucky outside of homes throughout the community. The Frankfort Police Department released a statement saying that they “strongly condemn racism in all forms.” Police said those found responsible for participating in hate crimes in Frankfort will “face criminal charges to the fullest extent of the law.”