As testing begins for many classes this year, you may want to make sure that you will score well on your tests in order to get good grades in each of your classes. The best way to make sure this happens is to study. In this article, I am going to go over the best ways to study and discuss how to make sure your grades go up and your test scores stay high.
A really great way to study is making flash cards. This can help with exams that require memorization, such as vocab tests. There are some great and easy ways to make flashcards. You can either make them by hand or you can make online flashcards with websites like quizizz.com or quizlet.com, which can be great study resources. I know these sites have helped me a lot with studying and remembering vocab for Spanish and English classes. A student I asked who is a native Spanish-speaker who has learned English stated that “flash cards really help to memorize in a new language”. Flash cards are useful for memorizing quick words and phrases, which greatly help when learning a new language. I asked student Michael Whaley, who is part of the quick recall club and has taken and passed six AP exams, what he does to study. He stated that “writing things down can help you retain information more and is very useful for studying”. The thoughts of these students show how both flash cards and writing things out can help with memorization of certain subjects.
Another really useful way to study is studying with a friend or classmate. This is useful to both people involved because quizzing each other can help by double checking that you know what you are trying to ask and say. A student who I interviewed stated that “I always like studying with my friends. It helps when I’m messed up and my friends will help me with a different way to think about it or remember it differently”. This shows how other people can really help when it comes to studying and learning.
These are just some of the many many ways that you can study. I hope that this article has helped with studying and helps with any upcoming test or assessments that you may have coming up. I hope this has helped to show you the importance of studying and that there is not just one set way to study for something.