Where should people draw the line between personal expression and maintaining a professional educational environment? The issue of public display of affection (PDA) sparks debates between students and educators. Some students argue that a little bit of PDA is harmless while others are disgusted by the idea and do not wish to see anything in the halls when they are walking to class.
During passing periods, students say they encounter many couples in the halls engaging in inappropriate activities. Many are of those students have something to say about it. “It’s so bad, it’s part of the reason why we can’t get to class on time.” Some even have stories to share, “It’s nasty. I remember one time I was going down the stairs and I could hear them kissing, and all the mouth noises, and it was really gross.” If PDA affects students going to class and causes discomfort, then it should be minimized or have some consequences.
After interviewing students, we chose to interview the assistant principal, Ms.Jackson. “I think PDA should be kept private, and shouldn’t be so public,” she says. We asked what she would choose to do to students who were caught engaging in PDA but she didn’t have an answer. “If we put rules on it no one is really going to listen. It’s tricky.”
Students on the other hand have a lot of ideas for consequences. “I think there should be punishments or hall monitors,” an anonymous says . “They should get detention if they’re making out because it causes a disruption,” another one adds.
Others talked about adding do’s and dont’s, such as holding hands, hugs, linking arms and other harmless ways to show affection in public, instead of indulging in hardcore PDA. Couples should keep gestures of affection minimal and appropriate for school, and stay mindful of others comfort levels. They shouldn’t engage in excessive displays of affection like kissing, intimate touching or anything that could disrupt the learning environment.
While there are limits to how much couples can see each other outside of school, creating an uncomfortable environment in the classrooms, hallways and anywhere in the school shouldn’t be an option. Public displays of affection in schools will always be a matter of personal perspective but establishing guidelines can help create a respectful and focused environment. By balancing self expression and professionalism schools and ensure that students feel comfortable while prioritizing education.