On Friday January 24th, Ballard High School had a pep rally for winter homecoming and Ballard’s basketball team. Students excitedly gathered in the large gym to their designated spots following a day of shortened classes. During the pep rally, students were encouraged to wear their assigned class colors. Seniors were assigned black, juniors light blue, sophomores white, and freshman maroon.
They also honored winter sports and activities such as archery, swim team, chess club, bowling team and even the cast of the school’s musical, Shrek. During the pep rally, the student council led different games for the students to participate in. For one of the games, each class picked a teacher to wrap like a snowman and Dr. Nuess had to pick his favorite. They also did a scavenger hunt game where student council members from each grade yelled out items to their grades and whoever got the most items on their list won. At the rest of the pep rally, the cheerleaders impressed the crowd with flips and a chant. Additionally, senior Malik Kimbley performed a song.
The pep rally didn’t seem very planned out and struck many students as thrown together last minute. Additionally, there was a lot going on that week with school out Monday and NTI on Wednesday, so students didn’t seem happy. The students didn’t have very much spirit during the pep rally. A lot of students were sitting down, especially in the freshman section. In fact, sophomores got spirit points deducted from winning the spirit stick for not having respect and spirit.
Seniors won the spirit stick for getting the most spirit points and being the loudest grade. Students claimed they were unaware of any spirit week and pep rally happening. “I didn’t know we were going to have a pep rally, I found out a day before” said Easha Hellage. Later that night boys and girls played the homecoming game against Christian Academy of Louisville. Winter homecoming was that following Sunday but was cancelled from lack of ticket sales.