Recently, JCPS has changed its Backpack Policy. At the end of eighth grade and senior year of high school, you were previously supposed to give a presentation on why you needed to graduate and present some work representing what you learned. You had to submit your work for the following categories: prepared and resilient learner, effective communicator, emerging innovator, globally and culturally competent citizen, and productive collaborator. However, you now have to give this presentation at the end of every year of high school.
Many students don’t like this new policy, feeling it’s too repetitive and “over the top.” This new policy has caused students to feel like it is unnecessary work and that their time could better be used elsewhere. Although this doesn’t affect the junior or senior classes, the freshman and sophomore classes are the most affected.
If you are new to JCPS or have never done the backpack presentation, it is now important that you make sure you know what to expect. Below are some links from JCPS to know what to expect, what to do, and how to make your backpack presentation better and more efficient.
JCPS Backpack Defenses – Models, inspiration, what to expect while presenting.
Information Video