Image of Watermelon
The delicious fruit, formerly known as ¨The Best Fruit in the World¨, Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) has unfortunately passed away.
Beloved Watermelon has been found dead in the fruit salad, prime suspect caught.
After dinner, human was craving a little sweet treat. Only to unexpectedly find that now, in the fridge, there was something a little sweeter and it was not bright red anymore. For years, Watermelon was considered the greatest fruit by the entire world. However, apparently the world felt differently about it this year. Earlier this evening, Mango won in the competition as ¨The Best Fruit in the World¨, kicking Watermelon off of the podium. Watermelon lived a long and delicious life, starting all the way back in southern Africa, 5000 years ago. Watermelon, mostly known for its sweet flavor, also earned many accomplishments, meeting people on an even deeper level than taste. Watermelon was acknowledged for a high water content, antioxidants, and amino acids. Everyone who ate Watermelon knew that this fruit symbolized life and love, abundance and fertility, popularly included in Mexico’s Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration imagery and altar offerings. Mexican artists chose the subject, honoring folk culture traditions that saw fecundity and promise in the big red fruit. Not to mention the fruit’s never failing capability to keep people hydrated in the summer. Leaving behind a well known bowl of fruit, botanical family Cucurbitaceae. Watermelon has unfortunately left cucumber, squash, pumpkin and muskmelon. A member of the family states, ¨Hearing the news, my rind broke. All of our favorite fruit, gone too soon.¨
The funeral will be held at the kitchen trashcan. Donations will be taken at www.donateseeds.melon.